To those who read my blog,
It’s been a while, but something has come up that I needed to address: Love and our lack of it.
As many of you (if not all) should know, Japan had suffered a major natural disaster of an 8.9 level earthquake in Northern Japan which also resulted in a powerful tsunami. I may have been one of the first Canadians to hear about it as my roommate is a missionary kid from Japan and his family is there right now. I was beside him when he was online late at night getting the news.
The next day all the facebook statuses changed. Here in Canada they changed to things like, “praying for our brothers and sisters in Japan♥”, “God please help Japan...”, and “…is joining in prayer for Japan”.
That last one attracted the attention of an atheist who asked what would prayer do which then had Christians responding in a way to defend their faith, which then turned to insulting the atheist in question.
The important matter of Japan needing prayer and other forms of help was put to the side so people could defend their faith by insulting a fellow human being. Let that sink in for a moment. We completely ditched the Jesus inspired action of looking out for a fellow human beings in order to tear into a fellow human being. That is terrible.
What’s worse are the facebook statuses I only presume came from South of the Border. For those interested, here they are! The most disturbing comment came from one ‘Mike Sellitto’ in which he says, “Hell yeah that’s right japan 3-1 you may have had pearl harbor but we got Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and, since God is on our side, we have this. SCOOOREEEBOOOAARRDD” (emphasis added).
Really Mike? God is on our side? You just reminded us that we dropped bombs on Japan causing not just the deaths of not just people guilty of allying with the Germans in the war, but also the people in Japan who did not support the war (and if you tell me there was not a single Japanese person who was against a massive war who was also living in Hiroshima, then I will kindly tell you that you are full of it and if you ask me what “it” is, you will hear a slew of profanities not right for public speech). Not only them, but the generations who followed had a string of bad luck in getting leukemia (because of the after effects of a nuclear bomb being dropped).
Most of the people in that picture called it Karma. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and so 70 years later a tsunami hit. One guy even went as far as to say the war started because of Pearl Harbor (which is a stupid thing to me as I know very little about history and even I know that the war started before that in Europe and America did nothing about the cruelty put on the people getting hurt in that war until a few years later when Pearl Harbor got hit). What did the Americans do in response to Pearl Harbor? Well first off they made sure all the Japanese in their country were neutralized by taking people out of their homes and putting them in camps (basically imprisoning people because of their ethnic background… kind of like that guy Hitler was doing but not to the same extent). If you’d like to learn a bit about this without research, check out this song by Fort Minor called Kenji:
Here’s another history lesson: In 1945 The Americans ordered a surrender on July 26th and on August 6th the bomb was dropped. No warning shots, nothing. The worst type of bomb ever made dropped on a country because of a miscommunication (seriously, read this article on what happened when Japan was asked to surrender). The war was not started by a conflict between Japan and and America, but it sure as hell ended because of one!
I have a question. Where in all of this is Jesus? When a status is posted proclaiming that we should be praying for Japan and some goes on a rant about there being no god… is it our place to argue with them and forget about the bigger picture? Or do you think Jesus wants us to ignore those comments and maybe even delete those comments so that our eyes can be on the prize (the prize being coming to the aid of a nation who needs us?)
Ok so let’s do a little test. A comparison test. Here is an article that basically tells of how South Koreans are helping Japan. The test is to see which Christian culture did the best job of representing Jesus.
Pearl Harbor:
Pearl Harbor sucked. I would not know personally, but I bet it sucked a lot for americans. But do you know what else sucks? Because of Pearl Harbor, innocent Japanese people got placed in internment camps and their homeland gets bombed at a questionable time in the war (right near the end and only after around 11 days of negotiations).
A few years later a bad thing happens to Japan and a lot of people start saying the same thing in a different way: we will NEVER forgive you for Pearl Harbor!”
Major Oppression Lasting Years:
From 1592-1598 Japan invaded Korea. Between 1910-1945, Japan controled the nation of Korea. I’ve heard that one thing that Japanese would do is cut down all the trees in Korea because Koreans held trees to be quite special. This was a travesty and mean-spirited. I think a similar act would be if I went to the USA after it was taken over and started hunting the bald eagle to extinction.
A few years later a bad thing happens to Japan and how does Korea act? Well here's another thing you should look at to know how Korea acted. Basically, Korea showed that they had forgiven the Japanese for what they have done and even now offer support to people that were tormentors.
One of my profs once said, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) is not the right thing to be asking. The right thing to be asking is WIJD (What is Jesus doing). Well, what is He doing? Is He busy getting into arguments with atheists to the point of insulting them thereby taking the stance that Japan is not worth talking about? Is He joining the whole karma kraze that seems to have swept into the minds of a few Americans?
Or is He doing something wonderful, like forgiving Japan for Pearl Harbor and a conquering of a people? Is he mending the hearts of entire countries who were at odds for so very long?
The first “Christian nation” North America (yes we’re lumped into this as well) has said, “We will never forget what’s happened and we will continue to hold you to your sins because of all that you have done to us”. They said it through their actions of being outraged with their governments support of Japan, and the fact that some people are keeping a score board.
Another Christian country took a stand and said, “though we will not forget our past, we will not let it dictate our futures. We will forgive Japan and show them love”. they said this through their actions of coming to the aid of Japan.
Where is Jesus in this? You tell me. Look at the story of the Good Samaritan…. a guy who got mugged and was ignored because of whatever reasons, but was picked up by someone whose ethnicity is at war with the ethnicity of the person he is now protecting and providing for. Tell me, what did Jesus mean when He said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”?
I will end this blog off with a video. I think it sums up for me how I feel about all of this craziness.
What will I do? I don’t quite know the specifics yet, but prayer is going to be there. Possibly my bank account will take another hit. Japan deserves our love not because they have earned it, but because Jesus wants them to have it. I want to get on board with what Jesus is doing and I think He is gathering people to help Japan and remind them that there is a God who loves them.
Please pass this blog around to friends so they can see this as well.
With Love,
Any sources I got were from Wikipedia (which I know is not the most reliable) unless it was a direct link in which case you can see where it comes from.
This blog has been edited on April 16th, 2010